Focus on the "Justs"

编者按:我们很高兴能与德鲁·达德利共度一段时光, author, 领导力教育家,也是最近YP峰会的主讲人. We share these excerpts from our sit-down with him.

全球领导力教育和培训师Drew Dudley在最近的YP峰会上为我们带来了他实用的领导力发展方法. Called one of the most dynamic speakers in the world, 德鲁的任务是帮助人们忘记一些关于领导力的危险教训. 作为Day One Leadership的创始人和首席催化剂, 他帮助世界各地的顶级组织提高了他们的领导能力. His clients have included McDonald’s, American Express, JP Morgan Chase, United Way, and more than 100 colleges and universities.

Prior to starting his own business, 德鲁在多伦多大学领导了8年加拿大最大的领导力发展项目之一. He is also the bestselling author of 这是《williamhill中文官网》. It debuted at #6 on the Wall Street Journal’s bestseller list.


虽然有些人可能会说,领导者是天生的,而不是后天培养的,但德鲁倾向于不同意. His views on leadership are uniquely his. 他用来表达这些观点的信仰和风格是在大学学习成为一名律师时形成的. After the tragic death of a 24-year-old friend, Jason, 他意识到自己过于关注自己的生活在纸上的样子. 随着杰森的去世,他看到了人们对杰森和他朋友的持久影响的反应.

“我意识到我们的生活方式有了根本的不同, and his mattered more than mine. 我决定不再写关于世界的论文,而是开始投身其中。”德鲁说.

“我太关注我将来如何发挥作用,而没有关注我现在如何发挥作用. When I say ‘matter,“我的意思是,我怎样才能影响人们,让他们一想到我就微笑, and I realized I wasn’t doing that. It wasn’t about connecting with people; it was about impressing ‘future’ people,” he said.


他与学生对抗囊性纤维化的工作激发了他将团队聚集在一起完成某些任务的愿望. 五年内,他成为该组织的全国主席,负责志愿者培训. “在尝试赋予志愿者权力的过程中,我发现我绝对喜欢这种工作, not only being the leader of the organization in title, 同时也有机会赋予下一代力量. 我想创建一个人人都能做我的工作的组织, and nobody was trying to take it,” he said.

德鲁建立这种文化的能力引起了多伦多大学的注意,他被邀请开始一个基于实践而不是理论的领导力项目. While he never set out to be a leadership educator, he believes he fell into it a bit, discovering a skill he was good at. “我开始用故事来教学,故事是人类理解的基本单位.”

He continued, “我无意中发现了一种我自己都不知道的才能, because somebody inspired me after they were gone. I often talk about how Jason, as the catalyst, 让我从一个专注于未来的人变成了我现在想要影响的人.”


Most people don’t look for leadership training. “有一大群人在他们的社区中作为领导者做出贡献, but they don’t see themselves as leaders. 所以,如果你不把自己看作一个领导者,你就不会寻求领导力的发展. 在我们的世界里,我认为大多数的领导者都不认为自己是领导者. 我相信领导力存在于人际影响的个别时刻. 这些是每个人都可以创造的时刻,无论他们的头衔是什么,或者他们在组织中的角色是什么,” he stated.

“The most powerful thing we do is impact other people. Everyone has access to that power. When I say that everyone can be a leader, I don’t mean that everyone can be CEO or everyone can, should or want to be president. 我的意思是,有一种领导形式是我们可以而且应该追求的. 一旦我们让人们看到他们已经在做什么, 他们开始意识到,领导力是他们完全有权接受的东西. 我试图教授一种更广泛、更具包容性的领导力. 在任何组织或社区中,认为自己是领导者的人越多, the stronger that organization or community gets.”

When it comes to leadership development, 我们请Drew分享一些见解,以便您在自己的组织中实施.

“退后一步,看看你的员工,然后问,‘谁是‘公正的’人?' When I say ‘just,’ I mean the individuals who say, 'I’m just the secretary, I’m just middle management, I’m just the intern, I’m just starting out here,'" he illustrates.

“当你说‘只是’时,你就允许别人对你期望更低,包括你自己. Again, 退后一步,看看那些不可或缺的人, 绝对是很棒的贡献者,他们给我们带来了支持, passion and energy. Who are the people that, 尽管他是你的组织或社区的贡献者, would say, 'I’m just something.' Then, find a way to answer the question every day, 我今天做了什么来认可别人的领导?如果你想知道该承认谁,想想那些“公正”的人. They are not just anything. 你的组织里到处都是这样的人,”德鲁说,他在TED演讲中说, Everyday Leadership: The Lollipop Moment被选为有史以来最鼓舞人心的15个TED演讲之一,并获得了6个以上的奖项.3 million YouTube views.

“Leadership recognizes leadership created. 我们花了很多时间在培养组织的领导能力上, but I firmly believe that, 如果我们能更好地识别已经存在的东西, we would strengthen our organizations significantly. 花更多的时间去认识领导力,而不是传统意义上的领导力. Moments of compassion, moments of forgiveness, moments of empowerment, 人们给你的组织或社区带来的欢乐时刻并不被视为领导力. 如果我们认识到这一点,我们就会鼓励人们这样做. Whatever feels good, you do more often. 如果我们能让人们对自己最大的贡献感到满意, they are going to contribute more often. Look for the ‘just’ people. The ‘just’ people fuel our organizations.”

For more or to contact Drew Dudley, visit